Honduras International Billfish Tournament 2025 starts in…….
Honduras International Billfish Open
The Honduras International Billfish Open is a tournament organized by the Club de Pesca del Caribe which over the years has established itself as the most important sport fishing event in Honduras.
The year the first HIBO was held.
Over 40 vessels participate every year in the HIBO, with participants from over 15 countries.
Over 500 billfish have been released in the country since the implementation of this new fishing modality.
Lps 12,000,000+
Have been invested directly and indirectly into the economy of the adjoining comunities thru all editions.
This tournament aims to encourage sustainable sport fishing among all fishermen in our region, uniting and creating ties within this community through its 3 days of events, thus promoting tourism development in the areas of Omoa and Puerto Cortés. Lastly, and perhaps the objective that will leave a significant impact throughout all its editions, is the social component that was added to the tournament since its inception. The form and mechanism with which this event was designed has allowed the Club de Pesca del Caribe to generate resources that year after year serve to support organizations and schools in great need within our country. All of the above would not be possible without the great support of all our sponsors and participants who are part of this great event every year.
Sustainable Sport Fishing
The Honduras International Billfish Open was the first 100% “Catch & Release” tournament in the country. This means that no Billfish can be sacrificed, regardless of its weight or size. From this measure, all other tournaments followed this same line of conservation and implemented this modality.
Thanks to this initiative, over the years the objective of creating awareness of the conservation of these species has been achieved, not only during tournaments, but also during other recreational fishing trips. In the last 12 years of national tournaments and recreational fishing days, it is estimated that members of the Club de Pesca del Caribe, as well as other participating fishermen from this and other areas of the country, have released more than 500 billfish, which would have been sacrificed for not having initiated this awareness of sustainable sport fishing.
Promote Development
Promote fishing as a form of tourism in our country. Managing to generate financial growth in the population living in the surrounding areas where the tournament is held. By investing in projects related to fishing such as restaurants, hotels, marinas, charters and many more.
These new projects will create new direct jobs and countless indirect jobs, which will generate wealth and population growth. Allowing them to grow in their professional aspirations and being able to better provide for their families.
Social Responsability
Help some of the most needy areas of the society in our country. For this reason, every year a big portion of the funds are destined to help different charitable organizations.
En nuestra primera edición pudimos donar L. 50,000 a una sola organización. En este poco tiempo hemos crecido al punto que ahora podemos donar L. 500,000 entre 3 organizaciones en una sola edición. A la fecha hemos donado más de 4.5 millones de lempiras y hemos ayudado a más de 37 diferentes organizaciones como: orfanatos, escuelas, hospitales, niños de necesidades especiales, centros de cáncer, guarderías infantiles, líneas de ayuda y muchas más.
Billfish Points Category
Blue Marlin, White Marlin, Sailfish and Spearfish are the only species that qualify for this tournament. The Billfish Division winner is defined by the sum of points awarded for the official release of one or more properly recorded and reported Billfish species..
First Place
La primera embarcación que alcance la mayor acumulación de Billfish Points obtendrá $TBD en efectivo mas premios.
Second Place
La embarcación con la segunda mayor acumulación de Billfish Points obtendrá $TBD en efectivo mas premios.
Third Place
La embarcación con la tercera mayor acumulación de Billfish Points obtendrá $TBD en efectivo mas premios
Rodeo Category
Wahoo, Dolphin, Kingfish and Tuna are the only species that qualify for this tournament. Any catch must weigh at least 20 Lbs to qualify.
First Place
La embarcación con el ejemplar de mayor peso, obtendrá $TBD en efectivo mas premios.
Second Place
La embarcación con el ejemplar de segundo mayor peso, obtendrá $TBD en efectivo mas premios.
Third Place
La embarcación con la tercera mayor acumulación de Billfish Points obtendrá $TBD en efectivo mas premios
Grand Champion
The boat that accumulates the highest number of pounds weighted in the rodeo category will receive a specal prize.
Children’s Category
Tuna, Wahoo, Dolphin & Barracuda are some of the species that qualify for this category. Any species of fish qualifies regardless of their weight. 12 years is the maximum age for a child to participate in this category.
First Place
Goes to the participant with the highest weighted fish.
Second Place
Goes to the participant with the second highest weighted fish.
Third Place
Goes to the participant with the third highest weighted fish.
Special Awards
La embarcación que logre «TAGs» la mayor cantidad de Billfish durante el evento, recibirá un premio especial.
Prize for the fisherwoman who obtains the most points by adding the points from the Billfish and Rodeo category.
Siga las instrucciones de registro y proceda al pago en linea. Una vez registrada la embarcación, recibirá un correo electrónico con la confirmación del registro. Favor tener en mente que esta confirmación deberá ser presentada en la reunión de capitanes para poder recibir todo el material, brazaletes y demás regalías que se le entrega a cada embarcación participante. Así mismo recibirá una invitación al grupo de WhatsApp HIBO-2025, en donde se estará enviando los # de la bandera de cada dia, asi como otra información importante relacionada al torneo.
Inscription Fee
It is worth mentioning that it is the responsibility of the participating vessels to have their permits, licenses and registration in order with the local authorities.
Rules Honduras International Billfish Open 2024
Schedule of Events
Captains Meeting
Thursday 6 de Marzo del 2025
4:00 pm
Distribution of materials, bracelets, and welcome package.
6:00 pm
Captains meeting at The Marine Restaurant & Marina
First day of Fishing / Cocktail
Friday 7 de Marzo del 2025
5:30 am
Flag distribution at the Marine Marina
5:55 am
Random selection of the Day 1 official code.
6:00 am
Lines in. (Fishing begins)
4:00 pm
Cocktail begins at the marina
5:30 pm
Lines out (end of fishing)
7:00 pm
Weighing station closes. Time limit for uploaded videos.
Second day of Fishing / Award Ceremony
Saturday 8 de Marzo del 2025
4:30 am
Flag distribution at the Marine Marina
4:55 am
Random selection of the Day 2 official code.
5:00 am
Lines in. (Fishing begins)
5:00 pm
Tournament ends. Weighing closed. Video upload closing time.
6:30 pm
Award ceremony and party.
Honduras International Billfish Tournament 2025 starts in…….
Diamond Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Club de Pesca del Caribe
Pescando por un cambio … Fishing for a change.